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Surety Bonds
Surety bonds are purchased by professionals, contractors, and other businesses. Surety bonds offer financial security to governmental entities and private companies, safeguarding against losses stemming from non-compliance or unsatisfactory performance.
Think of surety bonds as a promise, guaranteeing protection if a business fails to deliver. It’s a contract between companies where one party (the surety) promises to finish the agreed-upon obligations of a second party (the principal) to a third party (the obligee). Unlike an insurance policy, a bond does not protect the buyer of the bond—only the principal party.
Does your next project need an extra line of defense? eSpecialty is a leading surety bond provider for small to medium-sized businesses. We can find better coverage outcomes for you at a lower cost.
Securing a surety bond doesn’t have to be difficult
How eSpecialty stands out
How to Get a Surety Bond
Securing a surety bond can be simple (if you’re working with the right team). We’ve developed a streamlined process to provide multiple proposals from a range of competitive bonding companies for many types of bonds, giving you the best options.
Step 1
The first step is to get in contact with a surety bond provider—hey, that’s us!
Step 2
Next, we’ll integrate you into our online portal, where you can get rapid access to leading bond underwriters with transparency and efficiency.
Step 3
Finally, your expert will find out what’s best for your project and make sure you have what you need to get back to work—now you have a legal bond!
Consider eSpecialty Insurance your specialty coverage expert
We have your back.
Note: Insurance policies are not all the same. Some policies are more comprehensive than others, and some policies provide broader coverage in specific areas. In addition, each insured may have different exposures and coverage needs. We encourage you to read your policy and consult with an insurance expert such as eSpecialty Insurance.